Richard Black, a former senator from the state of Virginia, reported that the strong Israeli lobby opposes the withdrawal of the United States from Syria and Iraq.

Richard Black, a former senator from the state of Virginia, reported that the strong Israeli lobby opposes the withdrawal of the United States from Syria and Iraq.

In an interview with "Sputnik" agency, he noted that despite the fact that a large part of the US population grew up with wars, it is very difficult to make a decision to withdraw due to lobbying activities.

US resident Joe Biden wants to withdraw troops from Iraq and Syria, despite the fact that some in his administration do not object to this, but the ruling group in foreign policy does not allow it, "just as the political elites did not allow former President Donald Trump to withdraw from Syria, the withdrawal of the military he noted that it will prevent its release.

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin previously announced that a meeting of the US-Iraq working group will be held in the coming days to discuss the future military presence of the US in Iraq.

In turn, Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammad al-Sudani confirmed that efforts are being made to quickly and systematically withdraw the US-led military forces from the territory of the country.

We remind you that since Israel started the war on Gaza near Washington, US bases in Syria have been attacked 98 times, and US bases in Iraq 66 times, for a total of 165 times. In one of the latest attacks, three American servicemen were killed and more than 30 were injured in an attack on a US base in the Syrian-Jordanian border region.

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