According to government officials, certification of hotels, restaurants, and congress and exhibition facilities to meet halal standards will simplify the process of preparing for vacations or business trips for both foreign visitors and Muslim Russians.

"Roskachestvo-Halal" has begun certification of tourism services and hotel accommodation services according to Muslim-friendly standards, Izvestia writes.

For this purpose, the "Halal" competence center under "Roskachestvo" together with the muftis of the regions of the Russian Federation developed standards based on the standards of more than 30 countries of the world where such a certification system is successfully operating.

"The system of standards envisages a set of norms and rules that the services of hospitality enterprises must comply with: the Koran, prayers and other religious attributes must be provided in the hotel room (at the guest's request). there is no alcohol on the menu and in the minibar, as well as other requirements.

The standards apply not to all rooms, but to individual rooms, so the hotel can welcome Muslim guests and guests of other religions equally," Roskachestvo explained.

According to government officials, certification of hotels, restaurants, and congress and exhibition facilities to meet halal standards will simplify the process of preparing for vacations or business trips for both foreign visitors and Muslim Russians.

Experts drew attention to the active development of tourism in the Russian Federation. Guests from Muslim countries, as well as Muslim Russians, are interested in trips to Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Republic of Tatarstan, Dagestan and other regions. In order to make them comfortable, the "Muslim Friendly" standard will be introduced, which will help them choose a hotel and a place of rest.

At the same time, "Roskachestvo-Halal" together with the Religious Department of the Republic of Tatarstan and other large Muslim associations intend to launch an information resource where all halal recreation places will be marked. Such a site allows travelers to easily and quickly create their own route through Russia.

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