Last week, Republican Congressman Tim Wahlberg of Michigan proposed destroying Gaza like the Japanese cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, which were destroyed by US atomic bombs in 1945 at the end of World War II .

"We must not spend a dime on humanitarian aid," Wahlberg said at a town hall meeting in Dundee, south of Ann Arbor. "It should be like Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Solve it quickly," he said.

The congressman's call for the extermination of a completely defenseless and confined population clearly expresses the murderous mood of the American ruling class. After decades of perpetual wars, the United States now approaches the level of crime associated with Nazi Germany.

Netanyahu's government, with the support of the White House, has decided to raze Gaza to the ground, starve it to death and evict the survivors as part of the "final solution" to the Palestinian issue.

This is the context of Biden's decision last week to send another 1,800 (816.5 kilograms) , 2,000 (907 kilograms) bombs to Israel.

Israel will not use nuclear weapons in the tiny enclave of Gaza because it would render Israel's own land uninhabitable and irradiate the beachfront real estate Israel hopes to seize after the Palestinians are displaced. But Israel has already dropped more than 65,000 tons of munitions on Gaza, more than three times the explosive force of the bombs that exploded Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

As a result, more than 54 percent of buildings in the Gaza Strip were damaged or destroyed, compared to 40 percent after the bombing of Nagasaki.

Wahlberg's open call for the extermination of the Palestinians is significant in light of the fact that the genocide in Gaza is linked to the US's indirect war with Russia in Ukraine and its looming conflict with China.

Calling Israel "our greatest ally," Wahlberg said any effort to feed Gaza's starving residents would be a gift to Iran, Russia and China.

After proposing a "Nagasaki and Hiroshima" solution for Gaza, Wahlberg immediately declared that "the same should happen in Ukraine" and that "the goal of the United States should be to destroy Russian forces."

Wahlberg later commented, "The sooner H AMAS and Russia capitulate, the easier it will be to move forward."

Wahlberg is saying exactly what the entire US political establishment and media are trying to cover up. The Biden administration has repeatedly declared that the United States is not at war with Russia and does not seek "conflict" with China.

If the United States tries to wage an offensive war against Russia to "surrender" and succeed where Adolf Hitler failed, it will inevitably result in mass death and destruction not seen since World War II.

From this point of view, the Gaza genocide is the starting point of a global conflict, and in the next steps, the victims may amount to hundreds of thousands, even hundreds of millions of people.

The greatest horrors of the 20th century: world war, genocide and the possibility of nuclear holocaust threaten once again.

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