The UN Security Council (UNSC) postponed for the third time a draft resolution calling for a cease-fire to allow unhindered access of humanitarian aid to Gaza due to lack of agreement.

"The UN Security Council has decided to continue negotiations on the draft resolution and give a little more time for diplomacy. We will postpone the vote on the draft resolution until tomorrow morning," said Jose Del La Gasca, Ecuador's permanent representative to the UN, who is the interim chairman of the UNHCR.

Lana Nusayba, the UAE's permanent representative to the UN, added that even if no agreement is reached, the draft resolution will be voted on at some point, and she "wants to see a bill that affects all areas and creates change."

"Diplomacy takes time. However, there is a lot of pain on the ground. We must succeed," Nusaybe said, noting that all countries have paid the highest attention to the project .

Anatolia according to the information received by the reporter from UN sources, in the draft resolution of the United States, it is opposed to giving the UN the authority to control aid with the expression that "there should be a pause in military operations, and the pause should serve to take steps towards a stable cessation of hostilities . "

Earlier, we wrote about the second delay of the draft resolution of the UN Security Council on the cease-fire in Gaza.

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