A group of 19 Canadian doctors have written an open letter to the Canadian government demanding immediate action in response to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

On Wednesday, a group of 19 Canadian doctors released an open letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland and Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly, as well as other senior politicians. In the letter, the doctors called on the Canadian government to respect international humanitarian law and the rulings of the International Court of Justice on Gaza.

Doctors who have worked in Gaza hospitals since October shared their reports on Gaza to "show the horrors they saw and the horrors that haunt them, in part because of the inaction of the Canadian government."

They described overcrowded hospitals, severe drug shortages, power outages, and widespread malnutrition and disease. Doctors said they often had to perform complex operations on civilians, including children under the age of 16 who suffered bullet and shrapnel injuries.

"Fifty-six percent of hospitals are not fully operational, and the rest are partially operational," the letter said. It was also noted that "more than 500 medical workers, including 63 doctors, died. "Hundreds of medical workers were arrested and tortured."

Doctors called Gaza "the deadliest place in history for aid workers" amid Israeli attacks and called for measures to "prevent Gazan women, men and children from continuing to die from Israeli bombs dropped on tents, schools, mosques and hospitals".

They called on the government to "stand on the right side of history and play an important role in ending this genocide."

The letter also called for a number of urgent measures, including pressuring Israel to lift the blockade of Gaza, giving the World Health Organization the authority to coordinate humanitarian aid, ensuring unrestricted access to medical equipment and allowing Palestinian medical workers to work in Gaza.

The doctors called on the government to "respect and implement the judgments of the International Court of Justice" and demanded that Canada "cease military and economic aid to Israel until peace is reached and the 16-year blockade of the Gaza Strip is lifted."

"Canada should immediately implement a bilateral arms embargo," they added.

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