According to The Guardian, "today, Westerners are reading the Koran to understand the unprecedented resilience, faith, moral strength and character of the Palestinians." Meanwhile, thousands of people are realizing the truth they are discovering and feeling the transformative effect of the Qur'an on their bodies. This is encouraging many to convert to Islam and others to look at it from a new perspective.

Today, Gazans who are left to their own devices are facing unprecedented suffering his strong faith, confidence and perseverance are being shown live around the world . Humanity is in such a process wakes up and sees the real world, albeit dimly . And it created a new phenomenon in the Western world.

11 As after the events of September , people are looking for the source of this fixed faith and are turning to the Qur'an . But this time the situation is different . Such passion has "weaponized" the mass media, politics and the film industry against Muslims and " War on Terror ". He did not appear to malign Islam and Muslims through false claims .

On the contrary, according to The Guardian , " today, Westerners are reading the Koran to understand the unprecedented resilience , faith , moral strength and character of the Palestinians ."

Meanwhile, thousands of people are realizing the truth they are discovering and feeling the transformative effect of the Qur'an on their bodies . This is encouraging many to convert to Islam and others to look at it from a new perspective .

We are more attached to the Qur'an than ever before , its verses come alive before our eyes . The divine word of the Creator helps us to understand the terrible events that are happening at the moment , to know the truth and to see the light behind the darkness .

Allah describes himself in the greatest verse of the Qur'an. His qualities in Mushaf - the human life and the life of the people are mentioned , we seek refuge in Him alone and only in Him we pray God 's guidance and incomparable help leads believers to salvation in a world that is not free from mistakes , losses and false promises .

No matter how powerful the pharaohs of the time are, they cannot escape God's justice . Muslims are commanded to defend the truth even with their lives and blood .

For this reason, the people who have been living in the desire to build a just society all their lives are confused by the Qur'an today.

In particular,
he is a popular blogger , active reader and content creator in the West Megan Rice   He is one of the people who became interested in the Qur'an due to the bravery of Gazans . A conversation on his TikTok account i The life of the Palestinians who have lost all their precious things, which is a sign of faith and gratitude, is spent in prayer and remembrance, leading the observers to wonder . A self -described " non-religious person , " Megan began reciting the Koran for the first time and invited listeners to her virtual " World Religions Club . " In doing so, he quickly discovered that the Word of God aligned with his core values of " anti-tyranny . " This situation completely changed his previous misconceptions about Islam . Within a month, he announced that he had accepted Islam and quoted the word "Iyman " .

Although Megan has since continued her personal study of the Qur'an outside of social media, her TikTok post The " Quran book club " program has been listened to more than 16 billion times .

Another example is Nefertari Moon. She said that she is married to a Muslim who does not practice religion , and that although her husband says that he believes in God , in reality he lives far from Islamic practices . Nefertari also began to read the Qur'an in order to better understand the faith and character of the Palestinians and came to faith . He explained his motivation as follows : " I wanted to know that people glorify God even when they are facing death ... After reading the verses of the Qur'an, the divine words had a great impact on me. I became emotionally attached to the Qur'an ."

In fact, it is true - the Qur'an teaches us the truth of life. We are tempted by the loss of the most important and beloved things in our lives. Whoever perseveres and surrenders to God sincerely and acknowledges that everything belongs to Him will surely be rewarded more:

" Certainly, We will test you with fear, hunger, loss of property, life and crops . Give glad tidings to those who persevere - to those who, when calamity strikes them, say: " Surely we belong to God, and to Him we surely return ." Those are the ones who will receive blessings and mercy from their Lord. Those are the ones who find guidance . (2-155-157)

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