8 million Iraqis applied for contract work in the fight against terrorism .

In 24 hours, about 8 million Iraqis applied to work as contract soldiers with the Counter-Terrorism Agency. Applications for this job were accepted on Tuesday through the institution's social media pages .

Major General Karim al-Tamimi, the head of the Anti-Terrorism Department, said in a statement to the official Iraqi TV channel : "A web page has been opened for those who want to participate, where they can apply free of charge . In the first few hours, about 8 million people applied. The names were sent electronically. It will be organized and there will be opportunities for everyone who meets the conditions, " he said.

According to statistics, the population of Iraq is about 42 million , and the ratio of young people to the population is about 30 percent.

The hiring announcement comes less than two months after the former director of the institution, Abdulwahab al-Saidi, was fired. Recently, Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani appointed al-Tamimi to replace Saidi.

Some have expressed the opinion that the large number of applicants for work at the Counter-Terrorism Agency indicates that the opportunities in the Iraqi labor market are decreasing . However, the press secretary of the Iraqi Ministry of Planning, Abdul Zahra al-Hindawi, disputed this comment and said, "Most of them are already working in other jobs. "

For information, since the US-led coalition invaded Iraq in 2003 under the guise of fighting terrorism, the country, especially its northern regions, has become a nest of various terrorist groups.

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