The number and wealth of billionaires is greater than ever. According to Forbes, the number of billionaires in the world increased by 141 people compared to last year. Their total wealth increased by 2 trillion dollars in one year and reached 14.2 trillion dollars.

There are now more billionaires than ever: a total of 2,781, 141 more than last year and 26 more than the 2021 record, Forbes magazine reports.

They are richer than ever, with a combined wealth of $14.2 trillion, up $2 trillion from 2023 and $1.1 trillion above the previous record set in 2021.

The United States now has a record 813 billionaires with a combined net worth of $5.7 trillion. In second place is China (including Hong Kong) with 473 billionaires and a total capital of 1.7 trillion dollars.

125 citizens of Russia, 27 citizens of Turkey, 6 citizens of Kazakhstan, 5 citizens of Ukraine and 1 citizen of Armenia were included in Forbes magazine's list of the richest people for 2024.

Vagit Alekperov of Azerbaijan heads the Forbes Russia list, and several other Azerbaijani citizens, such as God Nisanov and Zakhar Iliev, are also included in it because their main assets are located in Russia.

Russia has 15 more billionaires than a year ago. The total wealth of Russian billionaires increased to 576.8 billion dollars from 505 billion dollars last year.

The total income of billionaires in Turkey is 56.1 billion dollars, in Kazakhstan 25.4 billion dollars, in Ukraine 9.4 billion dollars, in Armenia 1.1 billion dollars.

It is noted that the capital structure of Russian billionaires is formed due to the income from the raw materials sectors of the economy, and the capital of Turkish billionaires is formed from the production, service, technology, etc. sectors.

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