The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia announced that a criminal case may be initiated against the Italian TV journalists who came to the city of Suja of the Kursk region with the Ukrainian troops under the article of the Criminal Code of illegal crossing of the state border. In this regard, the Italian ambassador to the Russian Federation was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

Italian journalists who came to Suja with the Ukrainian military and filmed a report from the city are opening a criminal case in Russia for illegally crossing the border.

For this reason, the ambassador of Italy in Russia, Cecilia Piccioni, was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, and expressed her "strong protest" due to the actions of the group of the Italian TV channel, which entered the territory of the Kursk region without permission.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted that the actions of journalists threaten criminal responsibility.

" The Italian reporters grossly violated the basic rules of Russian legislation and journalistic ethics and used their presence on the territory of Russia to justify their propaganda support for Ukrainian crimes, " said the Russian MFA.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia noted that the journalists entered the territory of Russia illegally. A criminal case may be initiated against them under Article 322 of the Criminal Code (illegal crossing of the state border).

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