THY warned of additional conditions for passengers traveling to Venezuela, Mexico, Colombia, Cuba and Brazil. According to it, even if they have a passport and a visa, passengers without luggage, who have not booked a hotel and who do not have a return ticket will not be allowed to board the plane.

Türk Hava Yoları (THY) has warned that even if passengers who want to travel to Venezuela, Mexico, Colombia, Cuba and Brazil follow the general rules, passengers who do not meet certain requirements will not be allowed into these countries, writes TRT Haber.

It is noted that recently, the fact that Turkish passengers are not admitted to the above countries has been the cause of discussions. In this regard, THY stated that, in addition to passport and visa requirements, some additional conditions have been established for passenger acceptance on flights to Venezuela, Mexico, Colombia, Cuba and Brazil.

Official invitation requirement for Venezuela

According to THY's website, it is not possible to use the "peresadka" before entering the country from Venezuela's Caracas Simon Bolivar airport. In order to enter the country, it is required to have a visa (travel), hotel payment has been made and a reservation has been made according to the duration of the trip, a return ticket and an official invitation certified by a notary.

Mexico travel without luggage

In Mexico, according to the decision of the government authorities, it is required to have an electronic entry visa (with the condition of not reusing this document), a hotel reservation (paid and covering the trip), and a return ticket. In addition, passengers with a long-term stay permit and no luggage, as well as those who are traveling abroad for the first time and do not have documents suitable for the purposes of their travel, will not be allowed into the country.

Colombia has imposed some new conditions

Passengers who want to go to Colombia via Turkey must have a hotel reservation, round-trip tickets (with the condition that the time of the ticket is within the visa period for countries that require a visa), and transit time of less than 24 hours. Passengers who have been refused entry to the country, who have no luggage despite a long stay, and who do not have documents suitable for the purpose of their travel, are prohibited from entering the country.

In relation to Panama , the statement states that passengers flying to Panama on a THY flight must have a compatible visa (for visa-required countries), a round-trip ticket, hotel reservations and transit flights for passengers "peresadka" from Panama as their final destination. for "peresadka" must comply with the conditions of not exceeding 12 hours. In addition, long-stay passengers who do not have luggage, do not have documents suitable for the purpose of travel and do not provide satisfactory answers to the questions of the Panamanian customs police will also be denied entry into the country.

First-time expatriates cannot enter Cuba

Passengers traveling to Cuba are also required to have round-trip and transit travel tickets and hotel reservations. In addition, In addition, those staying for a long period of time, but without baggage, who do not have appropriate travel documents, who are traveling abroad for the first time, and who do not have sufficient cash or the necessary bank card at the time of departure, are not allowed to enter Cuba.

Travelers traveling to Brazil must have round-trip and transit tickets, hotel reservations , and a transfer time of no more than 24 hours.

In addition, those who stay for a long time, but do not have luggage, do not have documents suitable for the purpose of travel, and those who are going abroad for the first time are also denied entry to the country.

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