Brazilian President Luis Inaçu Lula da Silva has been declared persona non grata by Israel after he said what was happening in the Gaza Strip was "genocide, not war " . Brazil summoned its ambassador in Tel Aviv to the capital for "consultations".

Brazilian President Luis Inácio Lula da Silva has been declared persona non grata by Israel after he said what was happening in the Gaza Strip was "genocide, not war".

According to the Correio Braziliense site, after Israel's statements, Lula da Silva called his ministers and advisers to an "urgent" meeting at the official residence of the president of the republic to discuss the crisis with Israel.

In response to Israel's words against Lula da Silva, Brazil recalled its ambassador in Tel Aviv, Frederico Meer, to the country for consultations.

Presidential adviser Celso Amorim called Israel's words against Lula da Silva "nonsense" in his statement.

Although the Brazilian authorities have not yet made an official statement on this matter, local media reported that Israel's ambassador to Brazil, Daniel Zonschein, was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Let us remind you that earlier the president of Brazil, Lula da Silva, called Israel's occupation of the Gaza Strip "genocide", comparing it to the actions of the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. The President said that what is happening in the Gaza Strip is "genocide, not war".

In turn, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded to Lula da Silva's statements and replied that "Brazil has crossed the red line."

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said that Lula da Silva was declared "persona non grata" in response to his comparison of Israel's occupation of Gaza with the actions of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.

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